Enter your code snippet or URL here to find the associated workflow and file in the AzureML examples repository.
Select the badge or workflow link to see the history of runs for your file.
- For a passing workflow, use the history to see when it was last run. If the success was not in the last week, check the code manually.
- For a failing workflow, use the history to see how long it's been failing. A single failure might be due to limited resources or other non-code related issues. If consistently failing, chances are the code needs to be fixed.
- If the workflow status is no status, not present, or was run a long time ago, the workflow won't be of much help. Check the code manually.
To run code manually:
Select the file link
Download the file (and any associated files needed)
Run to verify the code works
To learn more about workflow status values, see the dashboard page.